We are pleased to share that the progress of construction for Linden, the first stage of Samma Place is well underway since works had commenced in November 2021.
With Buxton Construction clearing the ground and ready to pour the foundations, almost all the excavation is complete, and we will soon start seeing the transformation of the site into one of Ivanhoe’s most remarkable residential landmarks.
* All site amenities are now established
* Crane base and crane have now been erected
* 95 % of the bulk excavation has been completed
* All retention piling & anchors are complete
* The shotcrete walls are 90% completed
* Basement to the lowest B2 level has been completed
* B2 Basement car park floor slab to commence

We will be keeping you updated with more detailed construction progress and anticipated dates for settlement as we get closer.
If you have any questions, please call 03 9425 5900 or email our Project Sales Client Relations Team atclientrelations@sammagroup.com.au.